Atlantic Medical

745 Ocean PKWY (at Foster ave) Brooklyn, NY 11230

  • (718) 677-9700

  • (718) 859-5969

Cervical Pain

Cervical pain refers to discomfort or pain in the neck region, stemming from the cervical spine,
which comprises the seven vertebrae between the skull and the thoracic spine.

Cervical Pain

This type of pain can arise from various causes, including muscle strain, poor posture, injury, or underlying medical conditions. Commonly, cervical pain manifests as stiffness, aching, or sharp sensations in the neck, and it may extend to the shoulders and upper back. Prolonged periods of sitting, poor ergonomics, and repetitive neck movements are known contributors to cervical pain. In some cases, conditions like cervical spondylosis, herniated discs, or osteoarthritis can lead to chronic neck pain.

Management of cervical pain often involves a combination of approaches, including physical therapy, pain medications, posture correction, and, in severe cases, surgical interventions. Adequate rest and neck exercises are commonly recommended to alleviate symptoms. Seeking medical attention is crucial for a proper diagnosis and the development of an effective treatment plan tailored to the specific cause and severity of cervical pain.